miércoles, noviembre 17, 2004

making like a frog about to vomit a sack full of flies

i didn't know marriage can cause me headache even if it's not me going into it. a childhood friend has just decided to marry this guy she's been with for only 6 months, in a long distance relationship.

the guy said, they won't have a church wedding yet because he still has a lot to prove to her parents. so they'd do it in secret, without her parents' blessings. what is marriage in secret anyway? nice reasoning bozo!

i mean, why get married when you don't have yet a house of your own, a salary that can actually decently feed a family: own a life where dependability on parents can totally be severed. why would you like to marry when you can't even choose to use your cellphone for an hour's talk? or buy shoes without sacrificing lunch money? or even dream a European trip without having the shakes? why? why? why? you bozo?!

why can't she wait until they can actually figure things out?

but growing old has made me realize that i should let other people figure out what's best for them. that i should keep my mouth shut if i don't agree. so all this pent up thrashing is causing me serious migraine. my temples are throbbing like a nebula about to implode. count the ways bismuth can drown.

so i tell her, if you're happy, then i guess you'd be fine. gulp!

well, i guess, i don't know true love even if it clubs my head to pulp.

am i too sedated for romance? am i too practical for love? or am i just damn right?

2 comentarios:

Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

Plain LOVE is tricky. Especially new love. Everything seems possible and idyllic and conquerable. Pheromones do that.

But APPLIED LOVE is better. It is when two people can openly share and work out practical concerns like money, life purpose, putting the toilet seat down, getting more drawer space, snoring, etc.

Only when two people feel comfort despite “too much reality” can you really they really say that they are ready.

To answer your question: I think you’re just RIGHT.

9:18 a. m.  
Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

yup, that's mussolini for you. marriage counselor and brini maxwell's clone.

you're alright, bismuth.

9:23 a. m.  

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