lunes, febrero 28, 2005

rainbow-colored lollipop

I'm too old for crushes. at my age, i should have outgrown the silent staring from a distance, longing for the beautiful fucked up person tragically not mine to take. but every saturday afternoon, i find myself gushing over a professor at my grad school. it is hard to miss him in the halls when he is about almost 6 feet tall and his gait has that casual, boyish character. he is twice my age and holds a respectable position in government yet, something in the way he pouts his mouth when waiting for a student to answer his question or when poring over a reference tells me a boy is still in there somewhere. not that i'm looking for a boy. a man is what i need. but something in him makes me wonder what if i hold his gaze when we meet in the hall?

i stand just outside his classroom, looking at him through the sliver of glass on the door. i must have been smiling or my eyes might have reflected too much naughtiness that my most practical friend exclaimed, "but you have a boyfriend!" i looked at her and told her to glance at him and see if he's not sexy at all. she looked at him and then at me, smiled like a kid given a rainbow-colored gigantic lollipop. just as i thought.

the class was boring so i wrote a stupid poem about him. it was fun though, thinking i could fashion it after neruda's tonight i write the saddest lines. nah! what i have are plain nasty thoughts. but for kicks, she told me to post it. so here it is, my 2-minute pancake of a poem. this is the end of me. : ) but do not judge, this is just me gushing.

within four inches of space
your face confined
at an oblique angle
your eyes glisten
your lips pout-
an old joke revived in your head.

a hand in your pocket
the other offered up-
inviting validation
you stare, silently begging
for the right answer to come.

she catches your glance
and holds it transfixed,
presenting possibilities
and then like the protracted
late afternoon sun ray,
they change hues
before he understands.

10 comentarios:

Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

i like poetry inspired by crushes. and you are soooooooo cute when you gush.

9:01 p. m.  
Blogger :..M..: ha dicho...

I wouldn't know..but I'm guessing you'd be cute! :)

10:59 p. m.  
Blogger bismuth ha dicho...

trans, remember your "happy"? we used to wait for him at the college hall. then we'd sort of gang up on him with our witty remarks- anything to make him linger two or three seconds longer. "you do what you have to do"

:...m...:, i'm doomed. he's just so cute.

10:56 a. m.  
Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

as your "most practical friend," let me say that YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. he does have the nicest ass i have ever seen since that lingusitics professor back in college.

and the way you stand there in the middle of the hall (gushing your spleen out) reminds me that in you, somewhere, is a girl.

you embarrass the marxists.

2:46 p. m.  
Blogger bismuth ha dicho...

until we reach the utopian stage, the marxists have nowhere to put me into trial.

3:19 p. m.  
Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

i think lenin said this:

the utopia of liberalism is a utopia of impotence.

i have no point. i just wanted to say "impotence."

4:20 p. m.  
Blogger Fist ha dicho...

"I'm too old for crushes."

That's like saying you're too old for dancing. Which I suppose might be true when your hips and knees are no longer your own.

8:43 p. m.  
Blogger Stan ha dicho...

A very lovely description of innocence.

8:58 p. m.  
Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

mussolini >> i remember that professor. you liked him. he liked you. i was the space between. he did have a nice ass--for a religious guy.

1:39 p. m.  
Blogger bismuth ha dicho...

didn't he go to spain to become a priest?

3:56 p. m.  

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