viernes, noviembre 23, 2007


Today, a man washes soot from his face- his house burned to the ground. His children lost. His wife still does not know.

Somewhere in the world a woman puts on a veil to hide from the world. Learning how to forget and be forgotten. Sadness overflows and as if her body is about to tear out of its skin, she bends over and surrender to the tide- drowning herself in a pool of regret.

A child begs for a few coins- dodging this and that car. His big brown eyes burn from the oncoming headlights. His tiny feet tired from walking the length of the boulevard. Back and forth. In an endless cycle of dreamless existence handed down from his bastard father’s father.

Everyday you feel like a beat-up truck stuck in a pothole. You used to be in an all-time favorite champion team. A superstar in an all-star selection. Rockstar. Starter. Captain. Now you pull over to a gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes when you don’t even want to smoke. Just imagining the lit end to be a firefly drowsy with sleep, breaking the dark of your room.

3 comentarios:

Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

it's strange how, when we wander off wanting to temporarily run away from all things familiar, we are more sensitized to more familiar things around us. it's as if to be attached, we have to be detached; to be whole, we have to be torn to pieces.

12:37 p. m.  
Blogger liam ha dicho...

i like the zest, wonder, and sadness you write down.

also, maybe it's time for a new game.

4:23 p. m.  
Blogger bismuth ha dicho...

yes, better to burn than fade away? lately, i'm more like burning out. i need to wander away. wander far. out of my own skin. fade with the sun or dissolve into the mist. i wish i don't have to wake up. or eat, drink, breathe. think. feel. wonder. and miss. how i miss him so much.

11:07 p. m.  

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