martes, enero 25, 2005


when love comes knocking, you unbolt the door, let it in and then run away, as fast as you can.

this is the most convenient way of dealing with realities like love. realities that inconvenience other realities. well, at least, my friend ennui would say (as i imagine), that love is real for me.

i woke up early yesterday to so many signs of an impending knocking on the door. for seven months now, i've known the other side of the door was not empty. someone, with a closed fist would rap so softly, making a raptitapritap sound, almost like a heart beating-constricted by a lack of air.

and then last night, the knocking came.
and to my surprise and horror, i breached protocol. i opened the door. am now lingering, entertaining with a cup of brewed strong coffee.

11 comentarios:

Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

welcome to the other side :)

2:09 p. m.  
Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

abandon hope all ye enter here.nah. just joshing. =)

2:40 p. m.  
Blogger ennui ha dicho...

"and if I shed a tear I won't cage it
I won't fear love
and if I feel a rage I won't deny it
I won't fear love"

-- Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

Embrace it bismuth, if only for the experience. It is real. Ü

5:34 p. m.  
Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

but i fear
i have nothing to give
i have so much to lose here in this lonely place
tangled up in our embrace
theres nothing i'd like better than to fall

but i fear i have nothing to give
i have so much to lose
i have nothing to give
we have so much to lose...

--fear (lunasol remix)

not that you have anything to fear, mind you.

10:32 a. m.  
Blogger :..M..: ha dicho...

"this is the most convenient way of dealing with realities like love. realities that inconvenience other realities." This is very true.

Keep up the great writing! :)

11:42 a. m.  
Blogger :..M..: ha dicho...

I thought I posted this similar comment already. Oh well.

I really liked the truth in "this is the most convenient way of dealing with realities like love. realities that inconvenience other realities." How very very true.

12:56 a. m.  
Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

i demand that something new be written here.

4:36 p. m.  
Blogger paningit ha dicho...

you breached protocol. you opened it. why? for all you know, it might have been death knocking on the other side. just kidding. well, the only way this thing could work is if you be yourself.


7:32 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

paningit: i think too much of me might not be good for the relationship. i just wish this one is more patient.

8:59 p. m.  
Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

i agree with mussolini.

10:44 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...


7:19 p. m.  

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