miércoles, enero 12, 2005

and in the beginning was a choice...

we can always choose to be who we want to be or should be. even choose how we remember ourselves to be. it's all about choices. ketchup or mustard. with onions or without. and although we can believe and live a life adhering to the principle that we are never without a choice we find that it's not just about choosing one over the other. or not choosing at all. life is tricky. the mind is tricky. it can believe whatever it wants. want whatever is there to want or want what is lacking.
sometimes it's about changing perspectives to be given a new set of choices. yes, choices are given. circumstances, chances, fate, whatever you may prefer, all happen to us. it's deciding which to take or leave or ignore that happens inwardly- we have control over.
we always have a choice. and only the brave embrace this truth. and truth of course is relative. or you can choose to believe otherwise and embark on a journey to search for the absolute.

5 comentarios:

Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

on really romantic nights of self, i go salsa dancing with my confusion.

- shamelessly copied from WAKING LIFE

9:56 a. m.  
Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

ah, and you are the quintessential sojourner. when you find truth, call me. i'll treat you to sushi.

6:11 p. m.  
Blogger bismuth ha dicho...

mussolini and trans: we cause confusion upon ourselves. for too many truths occupy us.

7:12 p. m.  
Blogger ennui ha dicho...

confusion is a necessary evil to enlightenment Ü

9:54 p. m.  
Blogger bismuth ha dicho...

yes. confucious.

7:42 p. m.  

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