jueves, octubre 19, 2006

in the mornings of every week

driving to work- away from you
rushing with the impatient and the stupid

see the crescent moon?
you will know me by small details like this

and when it rains
i remember you singing

when you have to fight for the right of way against road bullies
the jeepney- uniquely Filipino

too many intersections
waiting for too long

8 comentarios:

Blogger Russell CJ Duffy ha dicho...

more like this please. it is great to be able to see the city of someone else (and of course your thumb).
your words never fail to please but the addition of pictures is fantastic.

4:53 p. m.  
Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

yeah, more like this! more of the same shit i see everyday in a nicer angle.

2:20 p. m.  
Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

but, mussolini...this is a nice angle. :)

9:47 a. m.  
Blogger ... ha dicho...

I was looking for that crescent moon in the sky for a good minute. It wasn't adding up. heh.

These photos are welcome sights. A glimpse into the other side of the world!

11:06 a. m.  
Blogger ennui ha dicho...

the thing is to find yourself a crescent moon counterpart. enough of those lunatics that pull the tides high over the shores. people should see what you've written on the sand.

1:16 a. m.  
Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

you have never really driven...*wink*

8:39 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

bismuth, you are becoming a better driver every fucking day, but your photos suck.

oh, did i also say your finger looked harrassed?

you know who i am, of course, because you know i know where you live. and now i know the way to get there. haha.

10:11 a. m.  
Blogger bismuth ha dicho...

anonymous: you must only like photos of flowers then. and yeah, let's see you don't get lost going there.

12:34 p. m.  

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