lunes, septiembre 18, 2006

here we go

What the hell did you expect to find,
Aphrodite on a barstool by your side?
- Gin Blossoms

lazy days pass by slowly before my hazy eyes. outside, the rain has left the world soft and vulnerable. the automatic crawls on the dark streets a little past 20, slowing down for every pothole. three dj's outtalk each other on the radio. and here we are silent again for the longest time.

underneath the clutter in the backseat is a box, hastily wrapped by a tired salesalady at a gift shop. you throw me a sideways glance and ask for the fourth time tonight if i have really forgotten. i look away, tired of lying to you.

the trees lining the streets glisten from oncoming headlights. and you wonder if they have memories, would they remember you?

4 comentarios:

Blogger Russell CJ Duffy ha dicho...

it has to be a phillipino thing.
i mean, what have you guys got that we haven't?
talent, style and bundles of pizzaz.
not just {illyria} (oh my silk socks) but you too?
it just ain't fair.
god isn't just a girl, god is also an asian girl!

12:36 a. m.  
Blogger anonant ha dicho...

CJ has a point, what is it?

The soil, the humidity,
Imelda's shoe museum,
Maybe its just the ocean,
the spirits of the sea,
Who write short pieces,
Tales and stories
That reflect reality.

I especially like, "The rain has left the world soft and vulnerable."
In teperate climates the rain washes the earth and leaves it awake and invigorated. The rain that falls in the tropics must be very different.

11:49 a. m.  
Blogger ... ha dicho...

Somewhere the blog gods are smiling.

This sounds like one of those lazy, rainy Saturdays here - everything on cruise control and "Yesterday" playing.

I can feel every detail and memory sighing with the rain. Nostalgia, bismuth!

10:14 a. m.  
Blogger paningit ha dicho...

you could've said happy birthday or whatever and went on your merry way.

anyway, don't mind me.

10:17 a. m.  

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