miércoles, mayo 03, 2006


in two weeks i will be moving to another company. i am sill amazed how fast i made the decision, how it was all my own.

what amazes me more is how it proves my inability to stick to a lifetime commitment. things are really going well for me here but when i fast track to 20 years and see that i would be doing the same things, i drown in fear. i cannot keep going in this one way lane wihout suffering from anuerism. and yeah, we will be the greatest food, beverage and packaging conglomerate in the Asia Pacific Region. but see me waving as i take a 90 degree turn at the curb. exhiliration comes with the thought of throwing away my retirement package.

the hardest to leave are people. when you've been doing internal PR campaigns to advocate things-like sense of family, synergies, and all those mushy crap- you get eaten alive by your own words. i have started to believe my own spins.

time to move on. and how ironic it is how the past four years and a half of me pretending to be a grown up bundle up and create this heaving, mentally taxing separation anxiety.

the decision to leave was easy to make. now comes the reality of it all.

5 comentarios:

Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

time for the autobahn.

9:24 a. m.  
Blogger Ingrid C. ha dicho...

i read your shoutbox and you called IT people "unidimensional thinkers." i have to tell the CEO (sieg). he will not be pleased, but i will be when i see his face :)

10:06 a. m.  
Blogger {illyria} ha dicho...

you have wanderlust. i like that.

11:52 a. m.  
Blogger Russell CJ Duffy ha dicho...

your point about leaving people is so true. once you leave the job the relationship so often is never the same again. sad really. still, om wards and upwards as they say. (whoever 'they' are?)

12:04 a. m.  
Blogger ninjato ha dicho...

Wow, good luck, yep I agree, that most of the time it's the people that are the hardest to leave...

1:02 a. m.  

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